{Tuto} Admin Commands
{Tuto} Admin Commands
The JA+ Admin Guide
Here are listed and explained most JA+ and RCon admin commands. The symbols {I}, {K}, {C} indicate (when relevant) the minimal JA+ admin level that grants access to a specific command. They mean Instructor, Knight and Council respectively.
{<§>} Neutral commands
amlogin <admin password> {I}
This is the very first command you can use, as it allows you to log in as an admin. Your admin level you gain from that depends on the password you enter. You are logged in for as long as you stay on the server. You shall need to type that again each and every time you reconnect.
I recommend always typing the / character for this specific command, it will ensure your password is not displayed to everyone if you mistype amlogin, which happens fairly often.
It is also a good idea to bind it to a key. This allows the server admins to choose random passwords, impossible to guess or even to remember, such as « KQ7éHsg6S5lr7 ». It depends on whether said admins are paranoid or not.
amlogout {I}
Clearly, allows you to renounce your admin status. This is not an utterly useless command. If you want to lend your game to someone else for some time, be sure to log out before you do so, lest they wreak havock on the server in your name.
amstatus {I}
Displays in the console an array associating a unique integer to each player. This number can be used for administration instead of the name (or part thereof) of the player. It is especially useful if the players you want to kick have blank names or names made up with special characters. Or if somebody changes name fairly often. This number can only change when people reconnect.
It also displays what kind of JA+ client plugin the players are using. Although you don't need to worry about that if your server is pure.
amwhois {I}
Displays who is logged as an admin on the server. Useful if someone tries to impersonate an admin.
ampsay <Target Player(s)> <Text> {I}
Displays a message on the center of the target's screen. Use \n for a line break. If <Target Player(s)> is set to -1, then every player on the server will see the message, including yourself.
amseeghost {I}
Use this to choose whether or not you want to see ghosted people. As an admin, you see them by default. Ordinary clients can't see them.
amprotect ; amprotect <Target> {I}
A green bubble surrounds the target, making it insensitive to lightsaber strikes, blaster attacks, direct damage caused by explosives and Force spells. However, it does not protect you from lava and falling damages, and explosions can project you very far away.
The bubble wears off as soon as you perform an offensive move.
As for many commands, if the argument is omitted, the effect is applied on yourself.
amorigin {I}
Displays the x,y,z cartesian coordinates of your position, used by the amtele command.
amtelemark {I}
Drops your teleportation mark. You can then teleport back to the marked location by using the amtele command without an argument. Unfortunately you cannot drop more than one mark.
amtele {I}
If amtelemark has been used, teleports you back to the marked place.
amtele <Target player>
Teleports yourself near the target player. You can't crush your target however you might send people your target was talking to in an other dimension, which is generally seen as rude. Be sure your target is expecting you before teleporting. You can also wind up in a wall, ceiling or floor. In that case, teleport back to a safer place.
amtele <Player you want to teleport> <Player to which you want to teleport the former>
Teleports someone to someone else.
amtele <Joueur > <X> <Y> <Z> <angle>
Teleports a player (if the <player> argument is omitted, this player is you) to the location given by the cartesian coordinates x,y,z, looking in the direction <angle> (in degrees). Just put 0 in <angle>, unless you are writing a teleporting cfg.
Obviously, the most convenient way to get the coordinates is to use the amorigin command.
Beware : any player can prevent being teleported by admins by typing /refusetele. This applies to you too. You won't be able to teleport yourself if you entered that line.
{<§>} Gameplay commands
npc spawn (vehicle) <NPC's name> {I}
Creates a new instance of specified npc in front of you. For example /npc spawn tavion or /npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle
ammap <GAMETYPE> <MAP> {I}
Changes the map and the gametype. <GAMETYPE> can take the following values :
HL = Highlander ffa modification
0 = FFA 3 = DUEL one on one tournament
8 = CTF
Example : /ammap 0 mp/ffa4
Please note that you don't actually need to remember these numbers. Just enter ammap without an argument and the syntax help will be displayed in your console.
amempower ; amempower <Player> {I}
Gives the target (you if omitted) every power of the Force there is, to the maximum level, disregarding your choices in your profile, and the powers allowed and disallowed on the server.
ammerc ; ammerc <Player> {I}
Gives the target (you if omitted) every weapon there is, with huge ammunitions, disregarding weapons disallowed on the server. But as Obi-Wan Kenobi pu it, it is so uncivilized...
amweather rain ; amweather snow {C}
As you can guess, the first makes rain fall, whereas the second brings snow. Beware : snow and rain will ignore the ceilings, which is quite bizarre to witness.
The effects of these commands cannot be deactivated. You need to restart the map, or start a new one, to get rid of them.
amlockteam <Team> {C}
<Team> can take the following values :
s "spectator"
f "free : FFA team"
r "red : red team",
b "blue : blue team".
Using this will lock the target team, making it impossible to anyone to join them. Using it again on the same target will unlock the team, of course. This is most convenient for wars, tournaments and such, and also as a punitive measure when someone has a behaviour that is disruptive to the server : just lock the free team and force them into spectating with amforceteam. If they reconnect they still won't be able to join.
{<§>} Punitive commands
ammindtrick <Player> {I}
Makes the target blind to other players. They can still see the map, but not the players. They cannot inflict any damage either, even if they manage to strike someone despite their blindness.
This is a rather humiliating command, to use with extreme tact and caution. The same is true of most commands in this section.
amslap <Player> {I}
Kicks the target's sorry a$$ around. Note that it does't do any damage, but it can kick people off ledges, indirectly killing them.
amkick <Player> {I}
Disconnects the target from the server, and displays a « You've been kicked » message.
amban <Joueur> {I}
Kicks the target, then adds their IP address to the ban list, hence preventing them to reconnect from the same IP.
Note that most players can change IP in a minute, some of them in a matter of seconds. Some other are stuck with an IP forever. Keep in mind that the same IP can be used by several different people in a day. It is then only fair to remember to discard the ban list from times to times, with the removeIp all RCon command.
I warmly recommend creating the following vstring : seta UnBanAll "removeIp all ; ampsay -1 ^2Everyone has been unbanned !". Indeed JA+ admins can ban people, but can't unban them without this vstr.
Please note that there is absolutely no way to ban somebody forever in JKA. In many games using the Quake engine, each player is assigned a unique ID when they buy the game, which can be banned. Unfortunately there is no such thing in JKA.
amghost ; amghost <Player> {I}
Turns the target into a ghost, invisible to everyone but admins, and unable to inflict any damage. They can still walk, see and talk. As usual, the same command applied a second time on the same target reverses its effects, and no argument means you are the target.
Note that this command offers a protection much more effective than amprotect, since nothing can affect you when you are a ghost, even explosions. You will still die if you attempt to swim in lava though.
amsleep <Player> {I}
Paralyses the target, who falls onto the ground and can't move anymore. They can still accept duels though, if they are quick enough with their keyboard (this might be a bug).
amwake <Player> {I}
Dispels the effects of amsleep.
amdenyvote <Player> {I}
Denies the target the right to vote.
amkillvote {I}
Stops any vote in progress.
amShowMotd <Player> {I}
Shows the welcome message of the server again to the target. Again, -1 stands for everyone, including you.
amsilence <Target> {I}
The target can't chat anymore, whether publicly or privately. People undergoing that often rename to evade silence.
amunsilence <Target> {I}
Try a wild guess.
amrename <Player> <New name> {I}
Changes the name of the player. Note that name changes are quite buggy, sometimes they lock the name for good. Use with caution, or as a funny retaliatory measure. It is useful too if several people have the same name on the server, and you can't get them to change. I'm thinking 'bout the countless 'Padawan' out there...
amvstr <VSTR> {I}
Execute a remote vstr. Do not underestimate those, they can be quite useful. Basically, they alow JA+ admins to launch commands that would need RCon access.
amforceteam <Player> <Team> {U}
Forces a player to enter a given team. See amlockteams.
{<§>} Introduction to RCon
RCon means remote control, and as its name indicates, allows to control a server remotely, through an RCon client software such as (forgot the name). Of course, RCon commands can also be used in-game.
Please note that the RCon system in inherited from the game's engine, and as such shipped with the game, unlike the JA+ admin commands. Also note that JA+ does add some RCon commands, and that every JA+ admin command can be launched from RCon, even if you arenot logged as a JA+ admin. This is useful if you are a known admin who want to administrate the server while staying in disguise. People tend to alter their behaviour when they see a JA+ admin log in. If you use RCon, nobody will ever know it was you.
RCon goes beyond player administration. You can actually see all and alter most cvars of the server. However, you cannot force permanent changes upon it, which means a reboot will cancel anything you've done with RCon.
How does one use RCon ? First and foremost, you must log in. For that, you must set your local /rconpassword variable so that it is the same as the server's. Just enter /rconpassword toto. ( rconpass is enough ). Congratulations, you are now logged in. Now, if you want to use a command, you must enter it, and its arguments, as an argument of the /rcon command ( rc is enough ). For instance :
\rcon addip
There is another syntax : /rcon <rconpass> <command>.
{<§>} RCon commands
I will not list there every single RCon command there is, because there is far too many, and most of them are useless for most admins. Instead, I'll focus on a selected few that can really get handy for administrating players. I will not list those which bring nothing more that their JA+ homologs either (map vs ammap for instance). I cannot emphasize enough how useful it is to define some vstrings to allow JA+ admins to use some of them.
Most comments are my own. Some are copied from here, and Slider's JA+ readme.txt.
\rcon map_restart <Time>
Restarts the map after <Time> seconds. If <Time> is omitted, it is set to 5. You can use it when you change settings, such as allowing or forbidding weapons or powers on the server. Those changes will only be validated when the map is restarted. Note that this command differs from the use of ammap, insofar as the map is not actually reloaded, so it is much faster.
A drawback is that no new meshes will be loaded. So if you have just enabled weapons, they will not be displayed until someone picks them, and it will lag the server. To avoid that in this circumstance, use the /ammerc command immediately after the map restarts and switch quickly through all weapons. This will force the server to load them, and avoid further stuttering.
\rcon timelimit XX \rcon fraglimit XX \rcon capturelimit XX
Those commands are quite obvious. XX is in minutes.
\rcon forcetoggle
You can type this in the server console to see the list of options and proper usage. This command basically allows you to toggle all force powers on/off at your will. You will need to restart the map to validate your changes.
\rcon status
Similar to amstatus to some extent. It brings some more informations though, such as IP adresses and data rates.
\rcon addip <IP>
Adds this IP address to the banlist.
\rcon addip 289.292.0
Bans the entire class c subnet. This command bans everyone in the 289.292.0.XXX network, which means everyone whose IP adress begins with 289.292.0. Effective for banning problem players who have a dynamic IP address. Yes, you probably can ban the entire subnet, but you'll loose a lot of potential players. It's up to you.
\rcon removeip <IP>
Removes this IP address from the ban list. If <IP> is set to "all", removes every signe IP in the ban list.
\rcon g_banips
Shows the IP banlist in console.
\rcon admGrant <Player> <level>
<level> can take the values "council", "knight", "instructor" and "no" (removes admin access).
As one could expect, this grants the target a JA+ admin level, without any need to give the passwords away. Useful if you need a guest to perform some administrative tasks for you, but are reluctant to give any password. An admin level granted that way works as for any JA+ login : being disconnected loses it. If they fool around, you can either admin-ban them, kick them, or log them out with admgrant.
\rcon admToggle < ID Cmd> <level>
Where <level> can take the values "council", "knight" or "instructor".
Allows/disallows any admin command at any JA+ admin level. It automatically changes the server cvars jp_councilAllowedCMD, jp_knightAllowedCMD and jp_instructorAllowedCMD.
Type \rc admToggle without argument to display help and see the ID of all commands.
This is most useful if lesser admins keep crushing you by teleporting on your fragile head...
\rcon admBan < ID admin player>
Bans/Unbans an admin. His IP is added to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs. If you execute this command another time, the player will be admin-unbanned. It also instantly logs the target out if need be.
\rcon admAddIP <Ip-mask>
Adds an IP to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs, which means that anyone trying to use /amlogin from this IP will fail.
\rcon admRemoveIP <Ip-mask>
Removes an IP from the admin-ban list. If <Ip-mask> is "all" , it will remove all IPs
\rcon admListIP
Displays all admin-banned IPs.
{<§>} Tips and Tricks
{<§>} First off, let us clear the terminology out of the way. An 'argument' or 'parameter' is a variable which can be accepted by a command. The command uses the values assigned to its parameters to alter its behavior at runtime.
When I say 'no argument', I mean typing the command, and the command alone. For instance amtele.
If you have doubts as to the exact syntax of a command, try typing it without an argument. More often than not it will display precious informations. It will never cause your computer to initiate a fusion chain reaction. Good examples are the ammap, name, model etc... commands. On most admin commands, no argument means you are the target. Of course, you can't ban yourself that way.
{<§>} Also, -1 often stands for "everyone in the server". Sometimes it doesn't. When in doubt, try it.
{<§>} You generally don't need to type the commands in extenso. Type just amo for /amorigin, JKA will understand you. If there is an ambiguity, it might even display a list of all known cvars beginning like what you typed. This is not very useful for administration, but keep it in mind as a player.
{<§>} Use CTRL+F on that list in your web browser to find help for a specific command.
{<§>} All commands are case-insensitive.
{<§>} Be a wise admin
Here are listed and explained most JA+ and RCon admin commands. The symbols {I}, {K}, {C} indicate (when relevant) the minimal JA+ admin level that grants access to a specific command. They mean Instructor, Knight and Council respectively.
{<§>} Neutral commands
amlogin <admin password> {I}
This is the very first command you can use, as it allows you to log in as an admin. Your admin level you gain from that depends on the password you enter. You are logged in for as long as you stay on the server. You shall need to type that again each and every time you reconnect.
I recommend always typing the / character for this specific command, it will ensure your password is not displayed to everyone if you mistype amlogin, which happens fairly often.
It is also a good idea to bind it to a key. This allows the server admins to choose random passwords, impossible to guess or even to remember, such as « KQ7éHsg6S5lr7 ». It depends on whether said admins are paranoid or not.
amlogout {I}
Clearly, allows you to renounce your admin status. This is not an utterly useless command. If you want to lend your game to someone else for some time, be sure to log out before you do so, lest they wreak havock on the server in your name.
amstatus {I}
Displays in the console an array associating a unique integer to each player. This number can be used for administration instead of the name (or part thereof) of the player. It is especially useful if the players you want to kick have blank names or names made up with special characters. Or if somebody changes name fairly often. This number can only change when people reconnect.
It also displays what kind of JA+ client plugin the players are using. Although you don't need to worry about that if your server is pure.
amwhois {I}
Displays who is logged as an admin on the server. Useful if someone tries to impersonate an admin.
ampsay <Target Player(s)> <Text> {I}
Displays a message on the center of the target's screen. Use \n for a line break. If <Target Player(s)> is set to -1, then every player on the server will see the message, including yourself.
amseeghost {I}
Use this to choose whether or not you want to see ghosted people. As an admin, you see them by default. Ordinary clients can't see them.
amprotect ; amprotect <Target> {I}
A green bubble surrounds the target, making it insensitive to lightsaber strikes, blaster attacks, direct damage caused by explosives and Force spells. However, it does not protect you from lava and falling damages, and explosions can project you very far away.
The bubble wears off as soon as you perform an offensive move.
As for many commands, if the argument is omitted, the effect is applied on yourself.
amorigin {I}
Displays the x,y,z cartesian coordinates of your position, used by the amtele command.
amtelemark {I}
Drops your teleportation mark. You can then teleport back to the marked location by using the amtele command without an argument. Unfortunately you cannot drop more than one mark.
amtele {I}
If amtelemark has been used, teleports you back to the marked place.
amtele <Target player>
Teleports yourself near the target player. You can't crush your target however you might send people your target was talking to in an other dimension, which is generally seen as rude. Be sure your target is expecting you before teleporting. You can also wind up in a wall, ceiling or floor. In that case, teleport back to a safer place.
amtele <Player you want to teleport> <Player to which you want to teleport the former>
Teleports someone to someone else.
amtele <Joueur > <X> <Y> <Z> <angle>
Teleports a player (if the <player> argument is omitted, this player is you) to the location given by the cartesian coordinates x,y,z, looking in the direction <angle> (in degrees). Just put 0 in <angle>, unless you are writing a teleporting cfg.
Obviously, the most convenient way to get the coordinates is to use the amorigin command.
Beware : any player can prevent being teleported by admins by typing /refusetele. This applies to you too. You won't be able to teleport yourself if you entered that line.
{<§>} Gameplay commands
npc spawn (vehicle) <NPC's name> {I}
Creates a new instance of specified npc in front of you. For example /npc spawn tavion or /npc spawn vehicle atst_vehicle
ammap <GAMETYPE> <MAP> {I}
Changes the map and the gametype. <GAMETYPE> can take the following values :
HL = Highlander ffa modification
0 = FFA 3 = DUEL one on one tournament
8 = CTF
Example : /ammap 0 mp/ffa4
Please note that you don't actually need to remember these numbers. Just enter ammap without an argument and the syntax help will be displayed in your console.
amempower ; amempower <Player> {I}
Gives the target (you if omitted) every power of the Force there is, to the maximum level, disregarding your choices in your profile, and the powers allowed and disallowed on the server.
ammerc ; ammerc <Player> {I}
Gives the target (you if omitted) every weapon there is, with huge ammunitions, disregarding weapons disallowed on the server. But as Obi-Wan Kenobi pu it, it is so uncivilized...
amweather rain ; amweather snow {C}
As you can guess, the first makes rain fall, whereas the second brings snow. Beware : snow and rain will ignore the ceilings, which is quite bizarre to witness.
The effects of these commands cannot be deactivated. You need to restart the map, or start a new one, to get rid of them.
amlockteam <Team> {C}
<Team> can take the following values :
s "spectator"
f "free : FFA team"
r "red : red team",
b "blue : blue team".
Using this will lock the target team, making it impossible to anyone to join them. Using it again on the same target will unlock the team, of course. This is most convenient for wars, tournaments and such, and also as a punitive measure when someone has a behaviour that is disruptive to the server : just lock the free team and force them into spectating with amforceteam. If they reconnect they still won't be able to join.
{<§>} Punitive commands
ammindtrick <Player> {I}
Makes the target blind to other players. They can still see the map, but not the players. They cannot inflict any damage either, even if they manage to strike someone despite their blindness.
This is a rather humiliating command, to use with extreme tact and caution. The same is true of most commands in this section.
amslap <Player> {I}
Kicks the target's sorry a$$ around. Note that it does't do any damage, but it can kick people off ledges, indirectly killing them.
amkick <Player> {I}
Disconnects the target from the server, and displays a « You've been kicked » message.
amban <Joueur> {I}
Kicks the target, then adds their IP address to the ban list, hence preventing them to reconnect from the same IP.
Note that most players can change IP in a minute, some of them in a matter of seconds. Some other are stuck with an IP forever. Keep in mind that the same IP can be used by several different people in a day. It is then only fair to remember to discard the ban list from times to times, with the removeIp all RCon command.
I warmly recommend creating the following vstring : seta UnBanAll "removeIp all ; ampsay -1 ^2Everyone has been unbanned !". Indeed JA+ admins can ban people, but can't unban them without this vstr.
Please note that there is absolutely no way to ban somebody forever in JKA. In many games using the Quake engine, each player is assigned a unique ID when they buy the game, which can be banned. Unfortunately there is no such thing in JKA.
amghost ; amghost <Player> {I}
Turns the target into a ghost, invisible to everyone but admins, and unable to inflict any damage. They can still walk, see and talk. As usual, the same command applied a second time on the same target reverses its effects, and no argument means you are the target.
Note that this command offers a protection much more effective than amprotect, since nothing can affect you when you are a ghost, even explosions. You will still die if you attempt to swim in lava though.
amsleep <Player> {I}
Paralyses the target, who falls onto the ground and can't move anymore. They can still accept duels though, if they are quick enough with their keyboard (this might be a bug).
amwake <Player> {I}
Dispels the effects of amsleep.
amdenyvote <Player> {I}
Denies the target the right to vote.
amkillvote {I}
Stops any vote in progress.
amShowMotd <Player> {I}
Shows the welcome message of the server again to the target. Again, -1 stands for everyone, including you.
amsilence <Target> {I}
The target can't chat anymore, whether publicly or privately. People undergoing that often rename to evade silence.
amunsilence <Target> {I}
Try a wild guess.
amrename <Player> <New name> {I}
Changes the name of the player. Note that name changes are quite buggy, sometimes they lock the name for good. Use with caution, or as a funny retaliatory measure. It is useful too if several people have the same name on the server, and you can't get them to change. I'm thinking 'bout the countless 'Padawan' out there...
amvstr <VSTR> {I}
Execute a remote vstr. Do not underestimate those, they can be quite useful. Basically, they alow JA+ admins to launch commands that would need RCon access.
amforceteam <Player> <Team> {U}
Forces a player to enter a given team. See amlockteams.
{<§>} Introduction to RCon
RCon means remote control, and as its name indicates, allows to control a server remotely, through an RCon client software such as (forgot the name). Of course, RCon commands can also be used in-game.
Please note that the RCon system in inherited from the game's engine, and as such shipped with the game, unlike the JA+ admin commands. Also note that JA+ does add some RCon commands, and that every JA+ admin command can be launched from RCon, even if you arenot logged as a JA+ admin. This is useful if you are a known admin who want to administrate the server while staying in disguise. People tend to alter their behaviour when they see a JA+ admin log in. If you use RCon, nobody will ever know it was you.
RCon goes beyond player administration. You can actually see all and alter most cvars of the server. However, you cannot force permanent changes upon it, which means a reboot will cancel anything you've done with RCon.
How does one use RCon ? First and foremost, you must log in. For that, you must set your local /rconpassword variable so that it is the same as the server's. Just enter /rconpassword toto. ( rconpass is enough ). Congratulations, you are now logged in. Now, if you want to use a command, you must enter it, and its arguments, as an argument of the /rcon command ( rc is enough ). For instance :
\rcon addip
There is another syntax : /rcon <rconpass> <command>.
{<§>} RCon commands
I will not list there every single RCon command there is, because there is far too many, and most of them are useless for most admins. Instead, I'll focus on a selected few that can really get handy for administrating players. I will not list those which bring nothing more that their JA+ homologs either (map vs ammap for instance). I cannot emphasize enough how useful it is to define some vstrings to allow JA+ admins to use some of them.
Most comments are my own. Some are copied from here, and Slider's JA+ readme.txt.
\rcon map_restart <Time>
Restarts the map after <Time> seconds. If <Time> is omitted, it is set to 5. You can use it when you change settings, such as allowing or forbidding weapons or powers on the server. Those changes will only be validated when the map is restarted. Note that this command differs from the use of ammap, insofar as the map is not actually reloaded, so it is much faster.
A drawback is that no new meshes will be loaded. So if you have just enabled weapons, they will not be displayed until someone picks them, and it will lag the server. To avoid that in this circumstance, use the /ammerc command immediately after the map restarts and switch quickly through all weapons. This will force the server to load them, and avoid further stuttering.
\rcon timelimit XX \rcon fraglimit XX \rcon capturelimit XX
Those commands are quite obvious. XX is in minutes.
\rcon forcetoggle
You can type this in the server console to see the list of options and proper usage. This command basically allows you to toggle all force powers on/off at your will. You will need to restart the map to validate your changes.
\rcon status
Similar to amstatus to some extent. It brings some more informations though, such as IP adresses and data rates.
\rcon addip <IP>
Adds this IP address to the banlist.
\rcon addip 289.292.0
Bans the entire class c subnet. This command bans everyone in the 289.292.0.XXX network, which means everyone whose IP adress begins with 289.292.0. Effective for banning problem players who have a dynamic IP address. Yes, you probably can ban the entire subnet, but you'll loose a lot of potential players. It's up to you.
\rcon removeip <IP>
Removes this IP address from the ban list. If <IP> is set to "all", removes every signe IP in the ban list.
\rcon g_banips
Shows the IP banlist in console.
\rcon admGrant <Player> <level>
<level> can take the values "council", "knight", "instructor" and "no" (removes admin access).
As one could expect, this grants the target a JA+ admin level, without any need to give the passwords away. Useful if you need a guest to perform some administrative tasks for you, but are reluctant to give any password. An admin level granted that way works as for any JA+ login : being disconnected loses it. If they fool around, you can either admin-ban them, kick them, or log them out with admgrant.
\rcon admToggle < ID Cmd> <level>
Where <level> can take the values "council", "knight" or "instructor".
Allows/disallows any admin command at any JA+ admin level. It automatically changes the server cvars jp_councilAllowedCMD, jp_knightAllowedCMD and jp_instructorAllowedCMD.
Type \rc admToggle without argument to display help and see the ID of all commands.
This is most useful if lesser admins keep crushing you by teleporting on your fragile head...
\rcon admBan < ID admin player>
Bans/Unbans an admin. His IP is added to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs. If you execute this command another time, the player will be admin-unbanned. It also instantly logs the target out if need be.
\rcon admAddIP <Ip-mask>
Adds an IP to the admin-ban list in the cvar jp_banAdminIPs, which means that anyone trying to use /amlogin from this IP will fail.
\rcon admRemoveIP <Ip-mask>
Removes an IP from the admin-ban list. If <Ip-mask> is "all" , it will remove all IPs
\rcon admListIP
Displays all admin-banned IPs.
{<§>} Tips and Tricks
{<§>} First off, let us clear the terminology out of the way. An 'argument' or 'parameter' is a variable which can be accepted by a command. The command uses the values assigned to its parameters to alter its behavior at runtime.
When I say 'no argument', I mean typing the command, and the command alone. For instance amtele.
If you have doubts as to the exact syntax of a command, try typing it without an argument. More often than not it will display precious informations. It will never cause your computer to initiate a fusion chain reaction. Good examples are the ammap, name, model etc... commands. On most admin commands, no argument means you are the target. Of course, you can't ban yourself that way.
{<§>} Also, -1 often stands for "everyone in the server". Sometimes it doesn't. When in doubt, try it.
{<§>} You generally don't need to type the commands in extenso. Type just amo for /amorigin, JKA will understand you. If there is an ambiguity, it might even display a list of all known cvars beginning like what you typed. This is not very useful for administration, but keep it in mind as a player.
{<§>} Use CTRL+F on that list in your web browser to find help for a specific command.
{<§>} All commands are case-insensitive.
{<§>} Be a wise admin
- Beldin
- Légumineuse Fractale de la Loi d'Ida
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Un beau post de 2006, à dépoussiérer!
+ Souffre-douleur officiel de la grande Ida Gamall Wednesday +
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Le terme technique n'est pas dépoussiérage, mais nécromancie.Beldin wrote:à dépoussiérer!
Des mille et une manières de martyriser lesBeldin wrote:Saparldekoi?
\amslap Beldin
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- Genki
- Vieux pote croulant, Ami sénile, Camarade grabataire
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Ingame, c'est un slash simple et pas un antislash
/amslapida Beldin
-------> [ Je suis dehors ]
-------> [ Je suis dehors ]
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Ingame, et si ma mémoire est bonne (remarque rhétorique, ma mémoire est bonne) ça marche avec les deux. Ou même sans rien d'ailleurs.
Je suis d'accord que c'est le "/" qui est canonique, mais bon. L'habitude de , je suppose...
Je suis d'accord que c'est le "/" qui est canonique, mais bon. L'habitude de , je suppose...
Là, je suis d'accord.Genki wrote:-------> [ Je suis dehors ]
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- Genki
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
/me va chercher un dictionnaireGamall wrote:canonique
- Beldin
- Légumineuse Fractale de la Loi d'Ida
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- Location: En prison pour délit de faciès
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Ah, merci, grâce à vous, je suis parvenu à transformer un tuto en conversation de Souk!
+ Souffre-douleur officiel de la grande Ida Gamall Wednesday +
- Genki
- Vieux pote croulant, Ami sénile, Camarade grabataire
- Posts: 319
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Quelle est la solution de l'équation suivante :
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
OMG Genki a trouvé le mode , tous aux abris.
Bon je suppose que même un Genki est capable de résoudre une équation du second degré, mais juste pour le principe:
Je sais pas s'il y a de quoi en être fier.
Et de rien.
Bon je suppose que même un Genki est capable de résoudre une équation du second degré, mais juste pour le principe:
Tu tends à avoir cet effet partout où tu passes. Un peu comme Attila, quoi, mais en un style plus "troll".Beldin wrote:Ah, merci, grâce à vous, je suis parvenu à transformer un tuto en conversation de Souk!
Je sais pas s'il y a de quoi en être fier.
Et de rien.
{<§ Gamall Wednesday Ida §>}
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- Genki
- Vieux pote croulant, Ami sénile, Camarade grabataire
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
La solution est (Phi), le nombre d'or :
C'est marrant le latex même si ça sert à rien XD
(Je vais me prendre des coups là)
Et non, j'étais incapable de résoudre ce truc de fou
C'est marrant le latex même si ça sert à rien XD
(Je vais me prendre des coups là)
Et non, j'étais incapable de résoudre ce truc de fou
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Non. Non. NON, 15 fois NON. Il n'y a pas de "la" solution. Il y a deux solutions, et (qui est le plus souvent noté , plutôt que , même si les deux correspondent à la lettre phi miniscule) est UNE des DEUX solutions.Genki wrote:La solution est (Phi), le nombre d'or :
C'est UNE solution. Il est archi FAUX de parler de LA solution ici. Il fallait suivre en première, gros cancroïde (non, pas la peine de le chercher dans le dico) .
Si tu veux vraiment isoler le nombre d'or, tu peux dire que c'est LA solution POSITIVE de l'équation en question. Et là ce serait correct.
Genki wrote:C'est marrant le latex même si ça sert à rien XD
(Je vais me prendre des coups là)
Rhaaaaaa. et (si ), ça ne te dit vraiment rien?Genki wrote:Et non, j'étais incapable de résoudre ce truc de fou
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- Genki
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Gné ?
Je sais même pas ce que c'est qu'un nombre d'or
Et non j'ai toujours pas compris
et /me va quand même chercher un dico
PS: J'ai trouvé comment on agrandit les lettres
Enorme XD
Je sais même pas ce que c'est qu'un nombre d'or
Et non j'ai toujours pas compris
et /me va quand même chercher un dico
PS: J'ai trouvé comment on agrandit les lettres
Enorme XD
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
J'en connais un qui va se prendre deux baffes.
Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Très juste Kafou, mais rien ne t'empêche de coller les baffes toi-même plutôt que d'attendre que je m'y colle.Kafou wrote:J'en connais un qui va se prendre deux baffes.
Genki wrote:Je sais même pas ce que c'est qu'un nombre d'or
C'est toi qui l'as mis sur le tapis pourtant. *s'arrache les cheveux*Genki, un peu plus tôt wrote:La solution est (Phi), le nombre d'or :
Mais c'est du niveau première ! Tu es un grand bachelier, tu as l'ambition de faire de la programmation, c'est pas humainement possible que tu ne saches pas résoudre une équation du second degré! Tu me fais marcher, j'espère ???? *se mord les dents*Genki wrote:Et non j'ai toujours pas compris
Genki wrote:PS: J'ai trouvé comment on agrandit les lettres
{<§ Gamall Wednesday Ida §>}
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- Genki
- Vieux pote croulant, Ami sénile, Camarade grabataire
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Re: {Tuto} Admin Commands
Meuh, j'ai trouvé ça sur InternetGamall wrote:C'est toi qui l'as mis sur le tapis pourtant. *s'arrache les cheveux*
Ah, non, encore l'année dernière je savais même pas comment résoudre les équations à 3 inconnus (Pivot de Gauss powa )Gamall wrote:Mais c'est du niveau première ! Tu es un grand bachelier, tu as l'ambition de faire de la programmation, c'est pas humainement possible que tu ne saches pas résoudre une équation du second degré! Tu me fais marcher, j'espère ???? *se mord les dents*
Et c'est quoi la différence entre dtex et tex ?
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