BaseJKA Security Fix

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K.I.T.T. Mace {L}
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Re: BaseJKA Security Fix

Post by K.I.T.T. Mace {L} »

we understand that we should update but we didn't want to cause we wouldn't see our friends of i know they should update, too...
but atm we can play on 1.00 servers AND on 1.01 servers with KotF, the only thing is that we don't have our own server in 1.01...
i wanted to update for a longer time but the other clan-leader didn't want to but i hope i finally convince him in the next days...^^
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K.I.T.T. Mace {L}
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Re: BaseJKA Security Fix

Post by K.I.T.T. Mace {L} »

convinced him, server is running, problem solved ;-)
fix works, only thing: the bot flooder still works...thought your fix also fixes that problem, but ok...
thanks a lot anyway =)
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Re: BaseJKA Security Fix

Post by Gamall »

convinced him, server is running, problem solved ;-)
Don't forget to patch the jampded server executable (or use a pre-patched one) against q3infoboom etc -- that's another class of attacks which must be defended against separately. See the first few paragraphs of my README.
K.I.T.T. Mace {L} wrote:fix works, only thing: the bot flooder still works...thought your fix also fixes that problem, but ok...
The mod allows at most five bots in by default (see ga_sameIpNumber). You can set this to 2, for instance, to limit it even further, but it will also affect legitimate players connecting from the same IP -- a rare case, admittedly, but it happens.

There are other variables for detecting bots before they get in (hard-coded and "clever" detection), but the defaults are old and so the attack tools' own defaults must now beat mine, I assume.

You can try playing with those values to block the bots altogether -- read the relevant sections of my README for more info. Reading the readme is always a good idea ;)
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