JK2 Bug Fixes

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JK2 Bug Fixes

Post by DarkGod »

Hi Gamall and all,

I'm working on compiling a customized mod for my community. This is for JK2 1.04 using the same code taken from the JediDogFix 4.4 mod, plus a few extra fixes as listed: turrent fix + cbuf_execute fix.

I'd like to add as many remaining fixes for bugs, crashes and glitches that exist in basejk that I can to make this mod as secure, stable and solid as possible. But at the same time I'd like everything to run in basejk too just as JediDogFix 4.4 does, but without any extra bells or whistles (no features added at all). The /sit emote as well as the sleep and slap commands in the JediDogFix were not included in the mod I compiled.

Just so it's clear, I am not a coder, but I do give credit where credit is due. Some of the obvious glitches I wish to have fixed now is the following:
  • Someone joins spec, another person in game throws their saber and the one in spec steals it, flies around in game while in spec, killing everyone. In short - saber stealing in spec.
  • In game saber throw, then you jump to your death. After respawning, you run around touching people with your saber off doing damage to others with the same impact as if it were saber throws.
  • Sabers go through walls, thrown from the down position (I don't know if this was fixed by JediDog or Newage)
  • Etc?
Another Q: Does anyone know how to enable black names in a mod?

Please show the code () or attach the source code files and tell me which lines to look for. tyty

If anyone could post any other known bugs (not mentioned above), with the source code fixes, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm referencing this link for others to see here. :)
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Re: JK2 Bug Fixes

Post by Gamall »

Hello and welcome,

While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I have to point out that
  • I am retired from the gaming and modding communities. And have been so for quite some time already.
  • consequently, there is hardly anyone visiting these forums these days.
  • and even at its busiest, this is a personal site where I store and support the programs I wrote, not a general discussion forum.
So I don't think I am going to be of much help to you. You'd be better off to places like lucasforums & co, if they are still active.

This being said
DarkGod wrote:Another Q: Does anyone know how to enable black names in a mod?
I had done that in my old JKA mod; you just have to remove (completely or depending on a setting) the check that removes black color codes; here is code taken from my old JKA mod, showing the check:
g_client.c ClientCleanName

Code: Select all

while( 1 ) {
        ch = *in++;
        if( !ch ) {

        // don't allow leading spaces
        if( !*p && ch == ' ' ) {

        // check colors
        if( ch == Q_COLOR_ESCAPE ) 
            // solo trailing carat is not a color prefix
            if( !*in ) {

            /* Gamall: improvement: allow black */
            if (!gaAllowBlackInNames)
                if( ColorIndex(*in) == 0 ) {
            /* END FIX */ 
DarkGod wrote:Just so it's clear, I am not a coder,
Then what exactly do you intend to do; beside asking coders how to fix things ? If you want to get things moving you'll need to get your own hands dirty. ;)
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Re: JK2 Bug Fixes

Post by DarkGod »

Hi Gamall,

Thank you for the quick reply. I see it is very quiet indeed. If I bothered you, I'm sorry. UNI said I should ask in here on your forums for help. The code you gave for black names does not compile. I think it has something to do with "!gaAllowBlackInNames", but that's fine.
Gamall wrote:Then what exactly do you intend to do; beside asking coders how to fix things ? If you want to get things moving you'll need to get your own hands dirty. ;)
I intend on using the code that others have already made and referencing their work, then compiling a mod with my own specifications built based on nothing but security and stability in mind, without all the gobbledegoop that everyone likes to toss in, so it's as close to basejk as possible.
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Re: JK2 Bug Fixes

Post by Gamall »

DarkGod wrote:If I bothered you, I'm sorry.
Don't worry, you didn't.
DarkGod wrote:I intend on using the code that others have already made and referencing their work, then compiling a mod with my own specifications
Well, the idea sounds good, but even for that you'll need some knowledge of programming in general, and of C in particular.

For instance, the problem you have here
DarkGod wrote:The code you gave for black names does not compile. I think it has something to do with "!gaAllowBlackInNames"
should be absolutely obvious. (variable undeclared; either get rid of the test altogether or define something similar in your mod;)

I'll give you the same advice I (unsuccessfully) gave JediDog when he first came here: find a good book (or internet tutorial) on programming, take a few days/weeks to learn the basics and write a few little programs on your own. Then move on to modding JK(2/A). Failing that you'll waste lots of both yours and other people's time on blind trial and error.
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Re: JK2 Bug Fixes

Post by DarkGod »

Alright, thanks again.
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