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{ Smilies Packs Converter }
{ Author: Gamall Wednesday Ida }
{ Mail: }
{ Web: }
{ What is it ? }
This program converts a message board smilies pack into another
format. Supported conversions at the moment are phpBB2 to phpBB3
and phpBB3 to phpBB2.
Unlike version 1, version 2 is written in Java (so it will run
on Windows, Linux, Mac etc...) and released under the GPL (so
you can alter and expand it if you wish). See below.
It was designed to be easy to expand: adding support for other
conversions should be quite straightforward. If you have the
know-how, you are greatly encouraged to write conversion
algorithms to and from, say, IPB, vBulletin, or any other
bulletin board software out there.
{ How do I use it ? }
It is quite easy to use, and instructions are displayed directly
in the GUI, so there is no need to repeat them here.
This program is released under the GPL, a copy of which is
included in the JAR archive.
On top of the GPL, I would greatly appreciate it if any major
modification of this program was kindly uploaded by their author
on the program's topic, on my website.
| File generated with 'GaTeX',|
| an ASCII typesetting system |
| by Gamall Wednesday Ida. |
| |
Build: Sat Sep 01 18:26:24 2007
File : Readme.gat