
Forum concernant ce jeu et les serveurs que j'héberge. (ce sous-forum remplace
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Post by Genki »

Je sais plus comment on l'utilise xD
Avec tous les vstr et toosa. :fi

Est-ce que le cfg doit être également sur le serveur ?
Normalement je me souviens que on rentrait quelque chose dans la console, on avais tous les aides qui apparaissaient.

C'est ton script Ida, aide moi please :ange
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Gamall »

Houlààààààààààà, ça date ça.

Ce n'est même pas en téléchargement sur ce site, j'ai l'impression :? J'ai eu du mal à en retrouver un exemplaire...
(18.78 KiB) Downloaded 1378 times
Trinity wrote:Est-ce que le cfg doit être également sur le serveur ?
Le CFG ( qui est un PK3 comprenant un bon paquet de CFGs, en fait :P ) doit être uniquement du côté du serveur (enfin tu vas pas mourrir s'il est chez le client, mais ça ne sert strictement à rien).

Pour l'utiliser il faut être admin JA+ (ou autres) capable d'utiliser les vstrs, donc la commande amvstr (amv) sous JA+.

Pour afficher la page d'aide, il suffit de taper amv help, normalement. (attention, le message d'aide s'affiche pour tout le monde dans le serveur).
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Genki »

Oula loool, ça date plus que ça encore xD
je n'ai JAMAIS vu ce pk3 de ma vie, voici ma version : MyIda.cfg
Spoiler: Reveal

Code: Select all

//         by Ida/Gamall        //


seta IdaHelp "say ^3Ida's vstr Help Items ; say ^3(IdaHelp)Admin,Bots,Players,((GameType)Equipement,Duel,Limits,Teams,Rules);say Type *amv IdaHelpBots* or *amv IdaHelpDuel* for instance.;say ^2There is also the IdaHelpAll command to display all the help at once.;say Bug reports to ^"

seta IdaHelpAdmin "say Admin : ^1GodIsDead^3, OneGod, Trinity, Spectall, InstructorsBanned, InstructorsAreOk, KickAll, FireWall, PartialFireWall, NoFireWall, PassWord, RestartMap, Exit, VoteIsOk, VoteBanned, TinyServ, SmallServ, NormalServ, LargeServ, HugeServ, FullRate, MedRate, MinRate"

seta IdaHelpBots "say Bots : ^3NoBot, OneBot, SomeBots, ManyBots, KickBots"

seta IdaHelpPlayers "say Players : ^3UnBanAll, SlapAll, ProtectAll, ScaleIsOk, ScaleBanned"

seta IdaHelpDuel "say Duel : ^3DuelArmored, DuelNaked, NormalRegen, FastRegen, SlowRegen"

seta IdaHelpRules "say Rules : ^3JKA, Base, ChatKillIsOk, ChatKillBanned, EmotsBanned, EmotsAreOk, lethalDMG, noDMG, normalDMG"

seta IdaHelpEquipement "say Equipement : ^3(Un)MercAll, (Un)EmpowerAll, WeaponsBanned, WeaponsAreOk, PowersBanned, PowersAreOk, ThrowOnly, KatasBanned, KatasAreOK, HookBanned, HookIsOk, JetPackBanned, JetPackIsOk, PickUpsBanned , PickUpsAreOk ; say ^1All these commands demand that the map be restarted !"

seta IdaHelpLimits "say Limits : ^3NoLimits, NoTimeLimit=TimeLimit0, NoFragLimit=FragLimit0, TimelimitXX, FragLimitXX; say XX=10 20 30 40 60 90 100 for both time and frag limits, XX can be 1 for frag limit."

seta IdaHelpTeams "say Teams : ^3LockTeams, UnLockTeams"

seta Academie "vstr IdaHelpAdmin ; vstr IdaHelpBots ; vstr IdaHelpPlayers ; vstr IdaHelpDuel ; vstr IdaHelpRules ; vstr IdaHelpEquipement ; vstr IdaHelpLimits ; vstr IdaHelpTeams"


seta GodIsDead "seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 1048576 ; seta jp_knightAllowedCMD 1048576 ; seta jp_councilAllowedCMD 1048576 ; ampsay -1 ^1THERE IS NO ADMIN HERE ANYMORE !!!"

seta OneGod "seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 1048576;seta jp_knightAllowedCMD 1048576;ampsay -1 ^1The Lesser Admins Have Been Crippled"

seta Trinity "seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 10322992 ; seta jp_knightAllowedCMD 536870906 ; seta jp_councilAllowedCMD 1073741822 ; ampsay -1 ^2All The Admins\n^5 Have just recovered their Powers"

seta InstructorsBanned "seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 1048576;ampsay -1 ^3The Instructor Admins\n^5 are powerless now !"

seta InstructorsAreOk "seta jp_instructorAllowedCMD 10322992;ampsay -1 ^3The Instructor Admins\n^5 are trusted with their powers..."

seta KickAll "kick all ; ampsay -1 ^1Everyone has been kicked out !"

seta FireWall "seta sv_timeout 1 ; ampsay -1 ^1FireWall activated : DANGER !\n^1Odds are, nobody can connect !"

seta PartialFireWall "seta sv_timeout 15 ; ampsay -1 ^3FireWall partially activated : DANGER !\n^1Odds are, nobody can connect !"

seta NoFireWall "seta sv_timeout 200 ; ampsay -1 ^2FireWall deactivated !\n^2Back to normal"

seta PassWord "seta g_password conseil ; ampsay -1 ^1A Password has been set on the server !\nThe server must reboot to get rid of it !"

seta RestartMap "map_restart ; ampsay -1 ^3The map will restart now !"

seta Spectall "amforceteam -1 s ; ampsay -1 ^1M^7aintenant tout le monde ^5D^7ehors !!!"

seta Exit "ampsay -1 ^1The server will restart now.... ; quit"

seta VoteIsOk "seta g_allowvote 1 ; ampsay -1 ^2Players can vote here !"

seta VoteBanned "seta g_allowvote 0 ; ampsay -1 ^1Players cannot vote here !"

seta TinyServ "seta sv_maxclients 6 ; ampsay -1 ^1This is a tiny, intimistic server !\nIt can welcome 4 players !"

seta SmallServ "seta sv_maxclients 10 ; ampsay -1 ^1This is a small server !\nIt can welcome 8 players !"

seta NormalServ "seta sv_maxclients 14 ; ampsay -1 ^3This is a normal server !\nIt can welcome 12 players !"

seta LargeServ "seta sv_maxclients 18 ; ampsay -1 ^3This is a large server !\nIt can welcome 16 players !"

seta HugeServ "seta sv_maxclients 22 ; ampsay -1 ^2This is a huge server !\nIt can welcome 20 players !"

seta FullRate "seta sv_maxRate 10000 ; ampsay -1 ^2The Rate is at its fullest : 10000"

seta MedRate "seta sv_maxRate 4500 ; ampsay -1 ^3The Rate is Medium : 4500"

seta MinRate "seta sv_maxRate 3000 ; ampsay -1 ^1The Rate is minimal : 3000"

////////////// BOTS CONTROL

seta NoBot "seta bot_minplayers 0; vstr kickbots ; ampsay -1 ^1No bot is allowed in the game"

seta OneBot "seta bot_minplayers 1; vstr kickbots ; ampsay -1 ^5One bot is allowed in the game"

seta SomeBots "seta bot_minplayers 4; vstr kickbots ; ampsay -1 ^3Some bots are allowed in the game"

seta ManyBots "seta bot_minplayers 10 ; ampsay -1 ^2Many bots are allowed in the game"

seta KickBots "kick allbots ; ampsay -1 ^1The bots have been kicked !"

///////////// PLAYERS CONTROL

seta UnBanAll "removeIp all ; ampsay -1 ^2Everyone has been unbanned !"

seta SlapAll "amslap 0 ; amslap 1 ; amslap 2 ; amslap 3 ; amslap 4 ; amslap 5 ; amslap 6 ; amslap 7 ; amslap 8 ; amslap 9 ; amslap 10 ; amslap 11 ; amslap 12 ; amslap 13 ; amslap 14 ; amslap 15 ; ampsay -1 ^1You've all been slapped !\n^3From now on, behave !"

seta ProtectAll "amprotect 0 ; amprotect 1 ; amprotect 2 ; amprotect 3 ; amprotect 4 ; amprotect 5 ; amprotect 6 ; amprotect 7 ; amprotect 8 ; amprotect 9 ; amprotect 10 ; amprotect 11 ; amprotect 12 ; amprotect 13 ; amprotect 14 ; amprotect 15 ; ampsay -1 ^2You've all been Protected !\n^3Dont attack if you want to keep it !"

seta Ammercall "ammerc 0 ; ammerc 1 ; ammerc 2 ; ammerc 3 ; ammerc 4 ; ammerc 5 ; ammerc 6 ; ammerc 7 ; ammerc 8 ; ammerc 9 ; ammerc 10 ; ammerc 11 ; ammerc 12 ; ammerc 13 ; ampsay -1 ^2You've all had Gun !\n^3 be Careful !"

seta Unmercall "ammerc 0 ; ammerc 1 ; ammerc 2 ; ammerc 3 ; ammerc 4 ; ammerc 5 ; ammerc 6 ; ammerc 7 ; ammerc 8 ; ammerc 9 ; ammerc 10 ; ammerc 11 ; ammerc 12 ; ammerc 13 ; ampsay -1 ^2You haven't all had gun !"

seta Amempowerall "amempower 0 ; amempower 1 ; amempower 2 ; amempower 3 ; amempower 4 ; amempower 5 ; amempower 6 ; amempower 7 ; amempower 8 ; amempower 9 ; amempower 10 ; amempower 11 ; amempower 12 ; amempower 13 ; ampsay -1 ^2You've all had Power !\n^3 be Careful !"

seta Unempowerall "amempower 0 ; amempower 1 ; amempower 2 ; amempower 3 ; amempower 4 ; amempower 5 ; amempower 6 ; amempower 7 ; amempower 8 ; amempower 9 ; amempower 10 ; amempower 11 ; amempower 12 ; amempower 13 ; ampsay -1 ^2You haven't all had Power !"

// MODEL SCALES... need to restart the map
seta ScaleIsOk "seta jp_allowModelScale 1 ; seta jp_allowDmgSpeedScale 1; ampsay -1 ^2The Model Scale is Allowed !"
seta ScaleBanned "seta jp_allowModelScale 0 ; seta jp_allowDmgSpeedScale 0; ampsay -1 ^1The Model Scale is not Allowed !"

//////////// GAME TYPE CONTROL... need to restart the map


seta WeaponsBanned "seta g_weaponDisable 524279 ; ampsay -1 ^1No weapon is allowed in the club !"

seta WeaponsAreOk "seta g_weaponDisable 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2Weapons are allowed ! Enjoy...."

seta PowersAreOk "seta g_forcePowerDisable 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2Feel the Force flow through you..."

seta PowersBanned "seta g_forcePowerDisable 163837 ; ampsay -1 ^1There is no Force in here"

seta ThrowOnly "seta g_forcePowerDisable 32765 ; ampsay -1 ^2Let your saber fly..."

seta KatasBanned "seta jp_noKATA 1;ampsay -1 ^1The saber Katas are not allowed !" 

seta KatasAreOk "seta jp_noKATA 0;ampsay -1 ^2The Saber Katas are allowed !" 

seta HookIsOk "seta jp_allowHook 1;ampsay -1 ^2The Grapple Hook is allowed !"

seta HookBanned "seta jp_allowHook 0;ampsay -1 ^1The Grapple Hook is not allowed !" 

seta JetPackIsOk "seta jp_allowJetpack 1;ampsay -1 ^2The Jet Pack is allowed !"

seta JetPackBanned "seta jp_allowJetpack 0;ampsay -1 ^1The Jet Pack is not allowed !"

seta PickUpsBanned "seta disable_item_medpak_instant 1 ; seta disable_item_medpak 1 ; seta disable_item_medpac 1 ; seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 1 ; seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant 1 ; ampsay -1 ^1The MedPacks and Shields are disabled !"

seta PickUpsAreOk "seta disable_item_medpak_instant 0 ; seta disable_item_medpak 0 ; seta disable_item_medpac 0 ; seta disable_item_shield_lrg_instant 0 ; seta disable_item_shield_sm_instant 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2The MedPacks and Shields are enabled !"


seta DuelArmored "seta jp_duelStartArmor 100 ; ampsay -1 ^2The duels begin with full armor !"

seta DuelNaked "seta jp_duelStartArmor 0 ; ampsay -1 ^1The duels begin with no armor !"

seta NormalRegen "seta jp_privateDuelForceRegen 100 ; ampsay -1 ^3The Force Regeneration in duel is NORMAL !"

seta FastRegen "seta jp_privateDuelForceRegen 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2The Force Regeneration in duel is FAST !"

seta SlowRegen "seta jp_privateDuelForceRegen 200 ; ampsay -1 ^1The Force Regeneration in duel is SLOW !"


//taken from Slider and slightly modified
seta JKA "ampsay -1 ^2JKA gameplay ^6Activation;set jp_slideOnPlayer 0;set jp_improveYellowDFA 1;set jp_jk2RedDFA 0;set jp_allowflipkick 1;seta jp_fixRoll 2;set jp_saberNoForceDrain 0;set jp_noKATA 0;set jp_allowSaberTouchDMG 1;set d_saberSPStyleDamage  1;set jp_alterDMG 0"

seta Base "ampsay -1 ^1JKA Base gameplay ^6Activation;set jp_slideOnPlayer 1;set jp_improveYellowDFA 0;set jp_jk2RedDFA 0;set jp_allowflipkick 0;seta jp_fixRoll 1;set jp_saberNoForceDrain 0;set jp_noKATA 0;set jp_allowSaberTouchDMG 0;set d_saberSPStyleDamage  1;set jp_alterDMG 0"

seta ChatKillIsOk "seta jp_allowGodTalk 0 ; ampsay -1 ^1Talking players are Helpless !\n(Or they will be once the map is restarted)"

seta ChatKillBanned "seta jp_allowGodTalk 1 ; ampsay -1 ^2Talking players are Protected !\n(Or they will be once the map is restarted)"

seta EmotsBanned "jp_emotDisallow 1073741822; ampsay -1 ^1No special Emot is allowed here"

seta EmotsAreOk "jp_emotDisallow 0; ampsay -1 ^2All special Emots are allowed here"

seta lethalDMG "exec myida\lethalDMG ; ampsay -1 ^1The LightSaber is now... more lethal than ever !"

seta noDMG "exec myida\noDMG ; ampsay -1 ^2The LightSaber is now... worthless !"

seta normalDMG "jp_alterdmg 0 ; ampsay -1 ^3The LightSaber deals normal damages."

seta NoTimeLimit "seta timelimit 0;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been removed !"
seta TimeLimit0  "vstr NoTimeLimit"
seta TimeLimit10 "seta timelimit 20;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 20 min !"
seta TimeLimit20 "seta timelimit 20;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 20 min !"
seta TimeLimit30 "seta timelimit 30;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 30 min !"
seta TimeLimit40 "seta timelimit 40;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 40 min !"
seta TimeLimit60 "seta timelimit 60;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 60 min !"
seta TimeLimit90 "seta timelimit 90;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 90 min !"
seta TimeLimit100 "seta timelimit 100;ampsay -1 ^2The Time Limit has been set to 100 min !"

seta NoFragLimit "seta fraglimit 0;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been removed !"
seta FragLimit0  "vstr NoFragLimit"
seta FragLimit1 "seta fraglimit 1;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 1 frag !"
seta FragLimit10 "seta fraglimit 20;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 20 frags !"
seta FragLimit20 "seta fraglimit 20;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 20 frags !"
seta FragLimit30 "seta fraglimit 30;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 30 frags !"
seta FragLimit40 "seta fraglimit 40;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 40 frags !"
seta FragLimit60 "seta fraglimit 60;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 60 frags !"
seta FragLimit90 "seta fraglimit 90;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 90 frags !"
seta FragLimit100 "seta fraglimit 100;ampsay -1 ^2The Frag Limit has been set to 100 frags !"

seta NoLimits "seta timelimit 0 ; seta fraglimit 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2The Time and Frag Limits\n^2have been removed !"

///////////TEAMS CONTROL

seta LockTeams "seta jp_teamLock 24 ; ampsay -1 ^1The Teams have been Locked !"

seta UnLockTeams "seta jp_teamLock 0 ; ampsay -1 ^2The Teams have been UnLocked !"


Jvais jeter un oeil sur ce pk3, et si je comprends rien je te fais signe ^^
Merci :love

Edit : fiou très complexe quand même ta version oO, je préfère la mienne, même si j'ai perdu la main. La tienne y a trop de fichier, la plupart tu sais pas à quoi il sert xD
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Gamall »

Trinity wrote:je n'ai JAMAIS vu ce pk3 de ma vie
Non mais ça c'est parce que tu n'avais pas les yeux en face des trous: il date de 2006 ce machin... :hum
Trinity wrote:Edit : fiou très complexe quand même ta version oO, je préfère la mienne, même si j'ai perdu la main. La tienne y a trop de fichier, la plupart tu sais pas à quoi il sert xD
Tu t'en fous du nombre de fichiers dans le PK3:
  • tu balances le pk3 dans le dossier JA+
  • tu démarres le serv (ou tu fais exec X si le serv est déjà lancé et que t'a la flemme de le redémarrer)
  • tu fais amv help
  • et tu dis "merci Ida"
c'est pas plus ni moins compliqué qu'avec un seul cfg... :hum
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Genki »

Merci Ida :love :haha
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Maikoru »

Le MyIda.cfg faisait parti de ton ancien kit pour faire des serveurs, Ida.
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Gamall »

Ha oui tiens. J'avais complètement oublié jusqu'à l'existence de ce machin. :?

Que ferais-je si vous n'étiez pas là pour raviver ma mémoire défaillante :hum
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Maikoru »

Bin, tu serais encore entrain de chercher désespérément dans les archives, non ?
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Genki »

Tu n'aurais pas une version Anglich par hasard ? :fi
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Re: MyIda.cfg

Post by Gamall »

Ha, en fait je l'avais mis sur filefront: ... Demo;78187

encore un truc qui m'était complètement sorti de la tête.

Et le readme ainsi que les commentaires répondent à ta dernière question, Genki :P
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